Saturday 28 June 2008

RCA Degree Shows

These are the shows I particularly liked at the RCA show this summer:
Matthew Holloway - his project byte sized memory was particularly cool and with beautiful colour.
Mark Bereza who created re:voice.  Re:voice is an electronic musical instrument that you can play with your voice.
Ella Peters a printed textile designer

Monday 2 June 2008

Chapman Brothers White cube

If the Chapman brothers have a new show on then you know there is going to be a big hoo ha whether it is warranted or not.  Their latest exhibition at the White Cube has created the usual storm.  The question though is are they saying anything worthwhile with their work?

Installation Display
This collection of 9 cabinets portrays different scenes of war...a bit like giant and macabre toy soldiers displays.

If Hitler Had Been A Hippy How Happy Would We Be
The Chapman brothers bought some of Hitler's paintings at auction and have then painted on to them.  A technique that they used with Goya's prints in 2003 with Goya's Disasters of War series. The difference here is the quality of the original works that the Chapman brothers are working with.  The title of this collection and the works on display do pose an interesting question.