Tuesday 6 May 2008

Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats

Edward de Bono's thinking technique based around 6 differently coloured hats is always interesting, partly from how you can use this technique to problem solve, but also the type of thinking ascribed to a particular coloured hat.  The colours chosen for the hats are based upon the colours used in printing maps.  This technique of using symbolic hats is meant to remove any blocks in problem solving by going through the process logically step by step.

White hat - neutral and objective - pure facts
Red hat - anger/rage/emotions
Black hat - gloomy and negative - why it cannot be done
Yellow hat - sunny and positive
Green hat - creativity and new ideas
blue - control and organisation of thinking process

I've never used this technique myself but I do find it fascinating, almost as fascinating as Luscher's Colour Test, but more on that and colour another day.

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